Contact Us for support :
Teja Sai – 7981575650
Vinay – 8978550838
Mail us at klglug@kluniversity.in
What is Swecha Gontuka?
Its a process to build a First ever Open Source AI for Telugu language which can speak in our language and dialects. Current activity is building datasets by collecting voice samples from people across different ages, dialects, genders etc. This dataset will be opensource for researchers, developers to use for free.
Building a Crowd sourced Model
We are in pursuit of a process to build an AI generated from the data contributed voluntarily by the people and which works for the people.
Instructions for Contributions to AI For Telugu and Ram Miryala Concert Pass:
1) Open https://voice.swecha.org/te
2) Login with your GMAIL and follow the process.
3) After your 50 contributions are done, Take a screenshot of “DASHBOARD”. It shows your count
4) Open @swechaap insta story and add your dashboard screenshot or photo by clicking “Add Yours”
5) Submit the count and Screenshot of Dashboard and Instagram story in the below form
6) You will receive a pass to Ram Miryala Concert. Access will be given from 24th February 6 PM onwards at KL University
7) You need to carry your College ID Card and Name validation against the pass at Entry gate.